If Christ Was Not Raised

[Originally posted 4.15.06 - cf. 1 Corinthians 15] Today is a special day.  Without today life’s finality reaches its most dreaded conclusion.  What’s more, I am amongst those who are most to be pitied, for all that I have hoped for has been revealed as nothing more than mere fairy tale.

If today is not true, then all that life amounts to is the immediate present.  And it therefore follows that I’m justified in my right to indulge myself in all the pleasures of my senses–that is, to eat, drink, and be merry, until all I’m left with is the reality of my mortality.  If it weren’t that He has set eternity on our hearts, there wouldn’t coexist this persistent longing, such that our hearts are restless until we find its fulfillment.

If there wasn’t victory to be had, then the voices in my head to quit this race are something worth giving in to.  If I didn’t believe in something more, and that this something more has resulted in my ultimate hope in this desperately broken world, then this has all been in vain.

But I’m assured this hasn’t been.  What do you believe about today?