The False Allure of Work
I’m a really good worker bee. I’ve known this about myself, but I’m really just now understanding my relationship with work. I work hard, and for the most part, I succeed because of it. While this fits the American, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps kind of ideal, I think an over reliance on work is deceptive. That is, sometimes I think that because I work hard, I should be shielded from certain negativity, like criticism. As if working hard gives you some kind of immunity. This is a false belief that I have wrongly internalized. For Christ to say that we who labor and are heavy laden are to come to Him because His yoke is easy and burden is light speaks to the worker bee in me, inviting me to trust in a Savior who ultimately gives us rest (Matthew 11:28). My work can never save me, and yet it’s such a tangible activity that draws me to rely on its merit. Thankful for grace and mercies that are new each morning.