my post-graduate school life has proved interesting, to say the least.  and this is without being officially employed by anyone ....

after six weeks of nonstop fun with junior high and high school kiddos at scbc daycamp, i've found lots to do, but there are occasional days of boredom and cabin fever.  but most days are on the entertaining end.

take for instance my new resolve to clean house (literally).  this has been an insane experience of uncovering hoarded amounts of junk (not mine i'm glad to say at the same time it's prompted spontaneous games of hey-let's-go-find-hidden-treasure with my fellow unemployed sis (who now finds herself for me).

or a trip to the dmv with my mom ...who may i say takes the cake as the queen of unintended funny.  upon checking in at the counter i found her gaze settling on the eye chart that hovered behind the counter.  embarrassed, i motioned for her to get back in line.  she returned, only to ask the paranoid question of "is that english?" (referring to the eye chart).  i had to hold it in, not sure if she was serious or not, but assuredly replying that yes, those were indeed letters of the alphabet and not korean letters.  in a frantic voice she insisted that i help her.   i knew she was desparate.  like i was going to help her memorize those random sequence of letters?  i informed that this was cheating and that she was on her own.  so she resorted to studying on her own...reminiscent of me cramming for a final exam, only this was my mom.  we waited until our number was called (which oddly enough, if you have taken a trip to the dmv as of late, is oddly similiar to taking a number at the meat counter). 

we arrived at the counter and i stood practically motionless as my mom replied in answer to the opening question "so has anything else changed [on your license]?"  to which my my replied, "well, my weight..."  the dmv woman supressed a giggle.  i had jokingly informed her earlier after eyeing her renewal application that her weight was incorrect (i didn't think she would actually do anything about it).  such honesty.  then came the eye test.  fearful of what would come out of my mother's mouth, i braced for the worst.  my mom bought some time as she adjusted her glasses and informed "well now wait a minute here...there's a glare." to which i was going to practically bust out laughing.  she proceeded the read the letters, correctly--to my relief and amazement.  however, on the third run when she had to cover her right eye, she missed 3 of the letters.  the woman informed that an eye test should be done, to which my mom muttered something of a yes and i, about to lose it, left the counter.  and my mom wondered what was so funny. sigh.   

those are just a couple of stories from my unemployed life. interesting, to say the least.


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