This will be my last xanga entry for awhile (but no worries, it won't be as long as it took me to get my xanga started)...

I leave for China tonight.  I couldn't sleep last night, restless with the thought that I would be leaving for China the next day. I battle against my insecurities, which tell me that I'm not ready for this adventure.  At the same time, I'm thrilled by the fact that I will be going to a land with great history, with such rich ground for the gospel.

My last 24 hours have been spent packing, running errands, and in an odd juxtaposition, celebrating milestones.  One of my best friends Denise finished her M.A. in TESOL (like me!)...another English teacher has been birthed!  Two of my longtime friends, Janet and Mat just got engaged...this on the brink of her 26th birthday.

Life goes on (la da de) and for me my next clear step is China. I will return changed, for sure.  Exactly how I am not so sure.

My good friend Sumiko told me about this missionary in China who prayed everyday that she would do the Lord's will (I'm paraphrasing, I'm sure it was more eloquent than that). What faith!  I know that my flesh and heart will falter this summer, but with grace, He enables me to complete His will.  To Him be all glory and praise.

Looking forward to praising our God together when I return.

Sherise Lee3 Comments