Starry Eyed.  My work is made somewhat glamorous because of the artist-types that I find myself schmoozing with.  Granted, I mostly schmooze with the ones that are slightly off-edge and on the verge of being kicked out of school--but still, my school churns out some really incredible artists.  My being there stirs up the wannabe artist in me.

As I hobnob with the school's elite (these being department directors, one of whom is even a B-list Hollywood actress),  I'm learning to hold my own with these professionals.  I remember being paralyzed with fear at my first job when interacting with corporate big wigs.   Now I take the perspective of Esther praying for favor in the eyes of King Xerxes.  I know that God has placed me there for such a time as this.  Even with my peon status. 

I'm xanga-ing a lot about work recently.  But that's the majority of my life M-F.  And yet it's a part of my life that few really know about.  I quote from Alistair Begg: "It's in the routines of life that real gains are made, real joy is found, and the reality of God's provision becomes most obvious."

My He continue to make obvious His care for me everyday. 

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