Marathon Log.11.and.12.  Miles logged: 11

Never fear, I'm still alive.  I'm running again (just barely), but I'm behind.  I'm now the slow poke--the one running in the back of the pack.

My leg started feeling better during my trip to LA.  Ahh, the wonders of a vacation (plus warmer weather and sitting 16 hours in the car).  Vacation was a bliss.  I indulged in everything that my busy schedule back at home usually cannot afford--television, good eats, shopping, going out to a movie, even went to a Laker game! 

My first run after my hiatus was the day after Thanksgiving in sunny Redondo Beach.  Change of scenery and weather (even company--my cousins and aunt rode bikes alongside) helped tremendously.  I was still running gingerly, afraid of reinjuring myself.  The tightness in my calf returned, but not to the extent of before.

You don't know how good it felt to be back in the saddle again.

My relief is tempered by the reality that the road ahead remains long.  And those 11 miles this past Saturday were really wearing on me.  Saturday was supposed to be a 17 mile run, but coming off of injury I knew I couldn't run the whole thing.  So I stopped at 11 and turned back.  Back at the run site I was welcomed by the sight of a physical therapist.  I explained to her my injury, but assured her that I was feeling better.  She sat me down, and had me lie on my stomach while she stuck her thumbs in my calf.  Not only did the soreness return, but it was painful!  It hurt like none other.

Sometimes when we think we have adequately dealt with something in our lives we realize that God is not completely finished with us yet.  And it's painful.  But yet we know that our suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope.

Hope is a beautiful thing.  Especially given the joy of this season.

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