Marathon Log.18.  Miles logged: 3.1 miles

So I'm 26 now.  One over the dramatic quarter of a century mark.  Also the exact distance of miles of this upcoming marathon.  It couldn't be more perfectly planned.

I thought I would take issue with being closer to 30 than 20, but I'm okay (please, no snide remarks as to this :)  In fact, as I look at where I am in life, I'm such a different person than, say, my early twenties.

A lot of life seems to happen in your twenties.  I thought I was ready to hit the ground running when at age 21 I was starting to manage my own marketing campaigns at my first ever job.  Little did I know!  Now at 26 with more of life behind me, I seem to know myself better.

I love when in running you get to these points where you're totally coasting.  You enjoy these points because you realize that yeah, you've worked hard to get here.  You're almost unstoppable because you feel like you can run forever.  Now, don't get me wrong--I'm not exactly at this point in my training.  The reality of my injury is still all too fresh.  But I have been able to enjoy glimpses of it, where I'm loving how my arms and legs partner in stride--without much thought as to the physical exertion.

I could say that I'm there in life as well.  After all, I am a full-fledged grown-up now (snicker, snicker) with no real benchmarks to look forward to until perhaps age 40.  At age 26 I finally have the stability that I've craved.  A job I love (even with a recent promotion), a steady group of friends, and a just a general groove to life. 

I love this groove.  I have plenty of good things laid up for me.  I can take life easy; eat, drink, and be merry.

But that storehouse is but temporary.  Not to say that being able to coast or enjoy a nice groove isn't good, but I realize there are things more lasting.  And at 26 I'm loosening that grip on what I know feels good at the moment. 

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Other (Humorous) Things to Note at 26.

Oh where is my hairbrush?!?  I literally could have busted out the Veggie Tales song as I desperately searched for my hairbrush on my birthday.  Memory lapse?  I'd say so.

What? Your metabolism slows?!?  So I managed to gain 3 pounds in one day last week.  That's a lot for someone who boasts that she can eat and eat without gaining weight.  * Sigh *



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