Eleven and a Half Weeks.

"...but obedience without struggle reveals little of your true submission to Christ." (Walter Henrichsen)

This is me, guys.  Ask me how I'm doing in the area of preparing myself for my trip, and my honest answer is, "I struggle."  It's not like I was planning for things to cave in on me all at once, but recently I've been through an onslaught of emotions.  What's wrong with me?

I am reassured that this struggle normal, and I'm putting up the bravest fight I can.  Not too brave, though--because I fully admit my weaknesses, and I'm keenly aware of my sin and shortcomings.

I am complete in Christ Jesus.

As God has revealed in recent days, this is how I've responded:

Apologized.  Bitterness can ruin you!  Even when time, and supposed healing has passed.  This week I apologized to someone for going off on a rant about another person.  Ugliness, blech.

Tossed into the sea.  Something I've been needing to let go for a long, long time.

Purchased.  A one-way ticket to the motherland!  It's becoming more real.  I leave August 24!

Accepted.  The fact that my cholesterol level is still at 204.  I know, I know--my mom's already on me for that one.  I need to watch my diet.  And I need to start running again more regularly.  SF Half-Marathon anyone?  Or perhaps the Reek Run in Gilroy?

Preached.  I took a co-worker to dim sum this week.  I'm her first Chinese friend!  I love it!  Got to take two non-Chinese people to dim sum in less than a two week span.  Not only did I get to take her out to Chinatown, but we got down to the nitty gritty of my faith in Christ.  I love it!


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