Wedding Crashers.

I pulled a J. Lo yesterday and coordinated my first ever wedding.  Perfect job for a control freak such as myself.  My good friends Mat and Janet must have known this too because not only was I wedding coordinator, but emcee of their evening festivities to boot!

Part of me really likes being in charge and calling the shots.  Perhaps it comes from being first born, but moreso, it feeds my penchant for power.  But with power comes much responsibility, and as I was prepping for the rehearsal I realized I didn't know what the heck I was doing.  Orchestrate an entire wedding ceremony?  What was I thinking?

Anyhow, I have this way of faking like I know what I'm doing. Clipboard in hand, along with detailed Excel spreadsheet of the events, plus a walkie talkie--I totally looked the part.

You should never have me in charge for too long.  Being in charge uncovers a hidden vanity that wants for everything I'm in charge of be done well.  As I saw Janet approach the doorway with her father before walking down the aisle, there was this sense of oh my goodness, this is so not about me but what God has put together in Mat and Janet.  It was a beautiful, humbling moment.

So later on at the banquet when the manager at the Chinese restaurant unexpectedly decided to "bless" the couple with an operatic Chinese song karoke style, I could only laugh.  Go ahead and crash...was this ever my parade to begin with?   

God forbid that I rain on the parade that He orchestrates. 

Congratulations to my dear friends Mat and Janet!


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