Oh What a Beautiful Morning?

I've said before that being here can either make me laugh or cry...sometimes I just don't know what to feel.  Examples from my week:

Water!  I came home Thursday night to no running water in our apartment.  My immediate thought was that it was my own fault for not doing the water thing right.  I cursed the backwardness of the system, and hoped that our pipes would soon flow once more.  A few hours passed...a gurgle of water increased our hopes...but still, nothing.  I resigned myself to not having a shower, and went to bed.  You can't be a girlie girl, right? 

Mud!  My mistake for wearing white capris on a rainy day.  But why do there have to be so many puddles around here?  All those dang potholes prove to be the bane of my existence--bike hazards and reservoirs of mud on days that the sky chooses to pour forth.  "Oh no matter," I told a local person when they pointed out my muddied pants.  In fact, it did matter some... 

Mosquitos!  I am the most determined mosquito hunter in the wee hours of the morning.  On more than one occasion I've heard the eerie buzz in my ear which causes me to jolt violently and make a quick duck under the covers.  But who can sleep knowing that you're going to be eaten alive?  So I flick on the lights and go on the offensive.  Bleary-eyed, I search for the flesh biting creature.  Current score--Sherise: 2, Mosquito: 1.

Chickens!  I was not prepared for my trip to the market this morning.  All of a sudden I descended upon masses of people, each person going in different directions on different modes of transport.  Honking cars and loud speakerphones blared around me.  I was not a happy camper.  As I waited along the side of the road as AC made a purchase, I noticed that I was nicely situated across from a live chicken stand.  During my wait I witnessed the deaths of four chickens, and the attempted escape of four ducks (see inset with woman chasing duck and man with chicken looking on).  I just stood there, seemingly unfazed.  Nothing fazes an SF city girl, right?

You'd think I'm just hanging by a shred with all that I share about life out here.  Sometimes I literally am.  Is this even worth it? 

It so is...(worth it, that is).  There is a growing sense in me that far exceeds all the trivial matters of 'comfort' and 'familiarity.'  This growing sense is spurred by the infinite worth of my Rescuer.  I know we do not labor in vain.

These are beautiful days indeed.


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