The 'Rents Have Arrived.

My mom and dad are here!  I feel like a little girl again, and I'm not at all ashamed.  Picture me waiting at the airport amongst a throng of others for my the motherland.  All I could think of was how unreal this all was.  Me welcoming them to my new home and a life that is so different than what they know.

I almost cried, but didn't.  I felt a knot of anticipation as I desperately scanned the crowds for my parents.  When I finally spotted them, I was overjoyed.  I quickened my pace to greet them and hugged them tight.  Running into the arms of your mom and dad is such a comforting thing.  For all these years they have guided, protected, and shielded me.  More than once here I've wanted to cry 'mommy' or 'daddy'  when situations have gone awry.  Instead I've had to rely on the strength of my Ultimate Father more so than I've ever known. 

It's been so good to have them here.  I think I do not express enough how much of who I am is because of them.  I don't think that they quite envisioned for their daughter to be here, doing what I'm doing.  But I *think* they're proud of me. 

Little do they know that I'm proud of them.  I'm proud of them for taking this journey with me.  I'm proud that they are willing to trust Father for my life.  I'm proud over the little things, too--for them crossing the street with me here, breathing the city air, braving the crazy taxi rides, meeting the locals, and doing what I never imagined they could do--to be here, right by my side, experiencing it all with me.


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