Wedding #9.
I thought that I was done with weddings this year, but apparently not :) Going against my own predictable 'making-plans-ten-years-in-advance' self, I made a last-minute decision to fly to HK to attend my cousin's wedding. I got my visa back from the local powers that be on Thanksgiving Day which allowed for all of this. I couldn't really have planned it any better, since my status in-country has been iffy until now.
It's an exhilarating thing to fly by the seat of your pants without knowing first what you're doing. I surprised not only myself, but my family as well. Oh how good it is to experience Father's provision! It was of course no surprise to Him--He knew all along. So off I went, making the reverse trip that I made 3 months ago, back to a land more English-friendly, and to a culture more familiar.
I've changed since I've been there last. This was first evident when I made a call to my cousin to tell her that I was coming to her wedding--I laughed as all that came out of my mouth was the majority language, tried as I might to speak Canto (that's the closest I've been to speaking in tongues). Everyone in my family also remarked that I am noticeably thinner--if that's even possible--this I credit to bike riding and climbing six flight of stairs on a daily basis.
My Canto skills did return, and speaking it again made me feel like a different person all over again. I was glad to blend in with the other HK'ers and avoid the pesky question of where I'm from. Predictably when I returned to my city of residence, the local taxi driver asked me where I was from. This time, unlike the first time I arrived, the driver actually said my language skills weren't bad. I smiled on the inside. A compliment? Could it be?