It's my plan to make LOTR fans out of my students.  So you may be thinking--you're showing your students a movie?  That's what teachers do when they can't think of anything else to do...well, it does give me a break, yes...and we are on a unit on there.  But secretly I also want them to become fans, too. 

It's not such a simple thing just to show them a movie.  You have to preteach some things, and my goodness Tolkien chose some difficult names to pronounce. I think they're liking the movie, though...I left them in suspense because we didn't get to finish the whole movie in one period.

As a teacher (and as a human being, too) you cannot control how another person will respond (as much as I try).  With teaching I want so much for students to be engaged in the whole learning endeavor, but sometimes, they're just not.  Is it vain of me?  I dunno.  I had a student fall asleep on me today in my earlier class...definitely not the first time that's happened, but's the most deflating thing to know that you're boring someone to sleep.  Okay, so I've done it, too--fall asleep in class (well, not completely, but you know, that whole head bobbing thing).  Props to all the teachers out there who go right on teaching without skipping a beat. 

Here in xanga-land, if I bore you, you can just stop reading.  Like you may have done 2 paragraphs ago :)  No skin off my nose....just maybe less eprops?  Haha.  And no, I'm not fishing for eprops :)


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