Can You See Him Now?
excerpted from Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis, Chapter 11: The Lion Roars

And so at last they got on the move.  Lucy went first, biting her lip and trying not to say all the things she thought of saying to Susan.  But she forgot them when she fixed her eyes on Aslan.  He turned and walked at a slow pace about thirty yards ahead of them.  The others only had Lucy's directions to guide them, for Aslan was not only invisible to them but silent as well.  His big cat-like paws made no noise on the grass.

Halfway down the path Edmund caught up with her.  "Look!" he said in great excitement.  "Look! What's that shadow crawling down in front of us?"  "It's his shadow," said Lucy.  "I do believe you're right, Lu," said Edmund.  "I can't think how I didn't see it before.  But where is he?" "With his shadow, of course.  Can't you see him?"  "Well, I almost thought I did--for a moment.  It's such a rum light."

"Peter, Peter," cried Edmund.  "Did you see?"  "I saw something," said Peter.  "But it's so tricky in this moonlight.  On we go, though, and three cheers for Lucy.  I don't feel half so tired now, either."

"Lucy," said Susan in a very small voice.  "Yes?" said Lucy.  "I see him now.  I'm sorry."  "That's all right."


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