
I just got off my worst bike ride ever.  Of course, I said that last Monday when I got off my bike, too.  Seriously though, I would rate this one as the most kong bu (scary).  Probably because it was at night and probably because I was already lei si le (stinkin' tired) and not ready for any battle ahead of me.

The guard at the school ti xing'ed me to leave my bike at school and take the bus home because the winds were crazy fierce.  Being the woman of faith...er, um fool that I am, I stubbornly said "mei shi," meaning 'no problem...I can bike home.'  I was holding out for a tailwind as the winds were whipping brutally all around me.  But instead I got a nasty ding feng (headwind), blowing at about 20mph. 

After turning out of my school, the lights were out on the street, making it hard to see other bikers and traffic.  Crossing the street I clipped the back tire of another biker and after doing so, realized that I had knocked my handlebars off center.  Just great, I thought to myself.  That was only the beginning of the adventure.  When I turned the corner onto the main road leading to my apartment, the wind literally almost knocked me off my bike.  And as if it couldn't get any worse, it started to rain.  I knocked on the door of a parked taxi and asked if I could put my bike in the back.  'Fang bu liao,' he said.  Have you no sympathy? I thought to myself.  So onward I went, facing the wicked wind on my own. With the dirt and sand blowing about, it felt as if tiny pebbles were being thrown at my face throughout my 20+ minute ride home.  Along the way I noticed a couple off to the side of the road with some very affectionate PDA going on--to which I thought, 'you have got to be kidding me.'  I managed to make it home, just barely in one piece. 

Looked in the mirror after walking in the door and almost scared myself seeing my reflection.  It seriously looked like I had put black eyeshadow on and not only that, had dark circles around my eyes.  I looked very beat up. 

I had a dream the other day that I was facing a scarier creature than what I described 2 entries ago.  This time instead of being brave, I was scared.  Scared crazy, in fact.  Sometimes I think I'm stronger than I really am on my own (like how I initially felt before riding home tonight).  But there's plenty that I'm scared of.  Why I struggle to have a competence all my own is a mystery since the message of the cross is that we cannot do it on our ownZhen de bu xing (on our own).  Props, then, to our Deliverer.


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