
A few days ago someone asked me how my year has been.  Not knowing how to even start, I replied with 'good, bad, but mostly good.'  I should have clarified that the good has been because of the bad.  Certainly in the stripping away I have never been more confronted with the reality of the Almighty.  I was then further probed, 'so what has been the good?'  Caught a bit off guard by the question, my only reply was that He has been with me.  To which the person replied with an "amen, sister," or something along those lines.

I enter Year 2 with a bit of reluctance.  I fear the remainder of what I need to be broken in.  And gosh darn it, there's still that pride of mine.  I also fear that I grow out of touch with home, while still not understanding this as my home.  Perhaps it was having people from home here that reminded me that I'm not home.  I fear that I'm not who I'm supposed to be, and that I'm kidding myself by being out here.

After a busy summer, I'm resurfacing back to reality here.  I don't know what to expect, but I return to a previous favorite word of mine: huge.  This year is going to be huge, but I just don't know quite how yet.  The scary thing is that I don't know what qualifies that statement because at the moment I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow.


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