I Just Wanna Be a Sheep (Baa Baa Baa Baa).

Walking through the village the other day I happened upon a flock of sheep.  'Ooh, get your camera!' AC excitedly declared.  I fumbled for my camera and pressed the 'on' button, only the sheep had already passed, allowing only a shot from the rear (see below).   

'Run in front of them,' AC directed.  I picked up my pace.  The sheep, however, must have seen my hurry-up routine and started picking up the pace themselves.  I stopped, realizing that I was in a no-win situation.  Each time I would hurry up, the sheep would also in turn hurry up.  'They're following me!' I announced laughing, half out of breath.  They hurried so far that my only shot was from a distance.

I glanced behind me at who I assumed was the herdsman.  'I was trying to get a picture of them,' I said to him, grinning sheepishly.  He said nothing in return but whistled loudly and the flock turned precisely on command.  They turned and reached their destination, where they were shuffled into their quarters.


Sheep are interesting creatures.  Sheltered city girl that I am, my exposure to livestock has been, well, minimal.  So sheep do respond to their shepherd's voice.  'A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from them, for they do not know the voice of strangers (italics mine).'  Right.  So what exactly was I attempting?  But they all obeyed the shepherd.  Not one rebelled.  So it is for those in the Great Fold of the Shepherd.  He knows his own and His own know Him.

(Thought I would throw in a picture from my previous travels West--see above)


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