Minor Annoyances.

There will never cease to be minor annoyances in life, whether it be life abroad or on the homefront.  Yesterday as I was on the bus performing my ritual last-minute cramming of han zi before going to class I observed out of my left eye a most disturbing behavior from my neighboring passenger--the persistent and swift churning of his two fingers aroused my suspicion.  To my chagrin he proceeded to shove his index into his nostril and repeat the same rapid motioning with his newfound discoveries, eventually discarding.

Now spitting is one thing.  A loud clearing of the throat followed by a discharge, and it's over.  But this man seemed to delight in his treasure hunting the whole forty minute bus ride over.  Disgusted I edged further over on my seat.  Makes you wonder what you actually sit on when you choose to rest your bottom in public places.  So that's why my mom instructs me to keep strict 'house pants' separate from my 'outside pants'...


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