To Be a Kid Again.

I love kids. When I'm around kids, I get the feeling that I'm stiff and boring.  A kid tells you you're funny looking while picking his nose.  A kid jumps on your back like you're a horse to be mounted.  A kid cries foul when you take his candy away.  One kid consoles another kid by offering an eraser of all things.

There's something precious about being a kid (there's also something to be said for those who don't grow up :).  The other day I was hanging out with some kids I know when one little girl gave her now too-small pink outfit to another little boy I know.  Now the older kids, knowing that pink is for girls started snickering as the little boy clutched the pink outfit, eventually donning the pink jacket.  His expression told you that he couldn't believe that he could be the recipient of such an extraordinary gift (the giver didn't even seem to care either way).  

The adult world functions on us being emotional managers, that is, the answer to someone's idea isn't 'that sucks' but rather 'that's an interesting thought.'  We've gotten very clever at this.  Sometimes I wish I wasn't so clever, but then again we'd wreak havoc if we weren't socialized into this somehow.

Complicated creatures we are.


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