Today on the bus I saw a Mercedes on the road with a license plate from California. I had to blink to make sure I was seeing correctly. For a moment the familiar seemed foreign, lost in a sea of weaving vehicles with blue rectangular license plates. I felt an immediate bond to that and the Benz, both from California.
Speaking of California, the state itself is like a brand name over here. There's the Mr. Lee's California Beef Noodle restaurant chain, which some people use as a point of reference when I say I'm from California. Since when California became famous for beef noodles, I don't know. But I suppose someone from the Lee clan saw it fit.
Then there's the California Fitness Gym that I saw down south. I thought about how it would sound if you, say, put another state in front of the word 'fitness.' I guess 'Texas Fitness' wouldn't quite go.
I'm proud to be a Californian. I mean, I love my state. I don't know exactly why people get so proud about where they come from, but I have plenty of reasons why I do.
4 more months until I'm back.