An Act of Impulse.

I'm not one to act on impulse, though living here has surely tempered the planner in me.  To support this assertion, I give you my experience last week.  I was in the capital and after wandering a bit on my own happened upon an ice skating rink.  I saw the rink and knew I had to skate.  Skating is one of those activities that I imagine doing when I'm free and uninhibited.  Sometimes I get an image of Julie Andrews singing 'the hills are alive' with outstretched arms twirling around in circles.  And other times it's me skating. 

So skate I did, despite the fact that I had to scrounge up a pair of socks by paying more than I would in the mall the rink was housed in.  I excitedly laced up the dingy white skates that were given me and gingerly stepped onto the ice.  It usually takes me a few seconds to orient myself, but after doing so, I was off and zipping by the prima donna girls who occupy the rink as if its theirs and the other more wobbly, inexperienced skaters.  It was one of the rare moments of freedom for me here--as I took a few more laps around the rink, my confidence grew and soon was practicing my forward and backward crossovers.

After an hour, my shins were sore and I reluctantly left the ice.  I wanted to skate longer, but knew that I had had my fill.  I'll have to think about when my next act of impulse will be--but oh wait, I think that just negates the point :)


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