No Surprise Here.

Why should the unbelieving world be surprised that spiritual icons such as Mother Teresa or even the faith touting Charles Schultz had in them such incredibly dark sides?  As people of faith are we invincible?  Does it reinforce the post-modernist who says that all faiths are relative?  Christianity, they say, is not any better.

But I say it is that much better.  For the gospel message is this: that Jesus Christ died so that the dark mass in all humanity may forever be dealt with.  And for this I am glad!  Because what it means is that my own darkness, my own propensity to justify myself and seek significance in my abilities finds security in One who says that I am not only justified, but also reconciled, declared worthy, and able to change

I wish I would get this more.  That would save me from my own self-salvation attempts.  And perhaps this is what we see reflected in Mother Teresa and Charles Schultz.  For even the Apostle Paul labeled himself a wretched man.  Certainly he knew a thing or two about darkness.

So yes, I acknowledge this darkness in me.  But I'm learning not to despair but rather to take faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me.  And for you.

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