What I Love.

I love Christmastime.  I love the decorations, the music, the holiday cheer.  Recently friends have caught on that I love lots of things.  Mostly food.  I love pie.  I love dim sum.  I love pho. 

I think it's good that we feel to the passionate extreme of saying that we love something.  I think this extends to when we say we love certain somebodies in our lives, too.  It always intrigues me to hear what people love and who people love (and fall in love with).  It says a lot about you.

When I say that I love something the inflection on the statement "I love..." is placed on the word "love."  My eyes light up (as best as squinty eyes can), my passion clearly evident.

I do love more than just what is superficial and edible.  Yet these things are harder to say with the same type of humor.  But I'll just go ahead and say it.  Because it says why Christmas is special for me: I love Jesus.

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