Happy New Year.

It's like I never left.  I don't intend any cynicism in that, but to say that I am happy to be back in the Big D, though being back means that I'm in class from 8-5 this week.  But that's ok.  This is part of the scheme to return as quickly as I can to the Golden State (plan is to be back sometime this summer).

The first day back from the airport I declared that we go to Chevrolet for gas.  I knew it sounded off when it left my tongue.  I'll blame being disoriented on that one.  Those Southwest flights are cheap, but it totals something like 7 hours after 2 stops.  So 3 rounds of drinks and 6 packs of honey roasted peanuts later I finally reach my destination.  On another note, I really did have a good Christmas break, and a well-deserved one at that.  I am officially "off" the holiday eating schedule (though I managed a Texas BBQ before officially declaring myself off).  Time to hit the gym. 

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