Lunch Critic.

I pulled myself away from my desk long enough today to go out and get lunch.  I've been slowly revisiting my old haunts from three years ago, and today I went back to Mondo Cafe, which actually was introduced to me seven, maybe even eight years ago when I first started working downtown.  I can't believe it's been that long.

On any given day I could walk into Mondo and be greeted by an attractive Italian man who would address me as "bella." I would always blush, then give my order.  Never mind that he called the woman in line after me the same - it always made my day brighter.  So I was disappointed today when I walked in without any greeting, but happy in the least that they had my corned beef panini.  And the price hardly went up, if at all!  I struck up a conversation with the (new) owner, a late 30-ish looking Italian man with curly, graying hair.  He gave me a free cookie just because.  I think I'll be back. 

3 out of 4 happy faces from the roving downtown lunch critic.  Add the bella, and it will go back up to 4.

Sherise Lee2 Comments