Psalm of Lament

A psalm of lament is actually a psalm of faith (so I've been told). It's been forever since I've tried my hand at poetry, but a school assignment put me back in touch last week.

Oh Lord, how long must we await Your return?
How long will hurt and sorrow
fill our present days?
How long until my restless longings cease,
when I shall see my completed salvation?
Darkness rules the day;
Will You allow evil to persist forever?
Direct my heart to praise;
my heart grows weary in the wait,
when brokenness is all I know.
Those who do not fear You
say that God is absent.
They say to us,
‘There is no God! Truth is ours to define!’
They live to indulge their own pleasures
in defiance of the One who has created them.
But You do not leave the wicked without witness,
the earth testifies of Your greatness.
In the presence of beauty
they must confess a Maker.
One day they shall see the error of their defiance,
that God eternal is seated on high,
and judges man according to their ways,
the wicked shall not prosper.
The Lord is good to all who love Him;
I believe there will come a day
when our hope is finally realized.
Oh, give us patient endurance and
hasten this day!

Sherise Lee1 Comment