
Last week I saw the movie "Julie and Julia" and walked away reinspired about blogging. I'm sure half the audience decided the same. My application is to blog for 50 days straight. About what, you ask? No particular theme, other than the qualification that it will fit the title of this blog, "Life as He Reveals." I hope not to bore my 2 readers to death.

Life as He Reveals has me mulling today on one particular aspect of friendships - saying goodbyes. Today I said goodbye to one of my dear friends, her husband, and two boys. I see them maybe once a year since they've committed themselves to living in the Middle Kingdom. Ask any expat and he or she will tell you that saying goodbyes is a regular thing. It was almost too regular of a thing for me today as in the span of an hour I said both my hellos and goodbyes to a friend who once called me her maid of honor.

I remember a moment when I was living overseas and my sister and good friend left in a taxi to go back to the airport and fly home to the States. I was left standing at the curb teary-eyed with the poor bell hop from the adjacent hotel looking on. I mustered all my strength and proceeded down the stairs to the subway - alone.

Though I'm home now, I don't think there will ever be a time when I get to have all my favorite people around me. Instead I have this patchwork of friendships that now literally span the globe. I miss having them always with me, but it makes our times together that more sweet.

Sherise LeeComment