
My grandfather recently passed away. I had to find out when overseas this summer, prompting a semi-frantic search to secure a flight home. It's never a good thing to be away from family when stuff like this happens.

I honestly don't know how to feel about my grandfather sometimes. He was a hard man, and by hard I mean he was always tough, and easy to dole out criticism. One of my earliest memories of him was when he tried in vain to show me how to use chopsticks correctly. Of course I still use them incorrectly, just as I still hold my pen wrong (after being repeatedly corrected by my elementary school teachers).

For as angry and short tempered as a man that my grandfather was, there is only one thing that finally defined him. Though he worked hard all his life to be successful, in the end he knew he could do nothing to save himself. He needed God, and more so, a Savior.

This gets me. That for all the wrong that he committed in his life, he is still absolutely forgiven. And this, finally, was all that mattered.

Sherise LeeComment