
Compared to yesterday, my day started out much better. For one, the sun was out. It does wonders for my mood when the fog lifts. I also got to roll into work an hour later than usual, and that extra hour was huge. It meant that I could sit down and eat my oatmeal and do more than just brush my hair before leaving the house.

The middle part of my day was mostly spent mixing it up with school faculty at our faculty development conference. Put me behind a table, give me something to talk about (along with some freebie jolly ranchers), and I just might appear the extrovert (for a few hours, anyway).

I got home and decided to ask my dad to go to Home Depot. He helped me pick out a plant and he got his shopping items, too. Home Depot is a place not to be attempted alone (for me, anyways). I like when my dad tries to consult me even though he knows I'm completely clueless.

I tuned into the Giants game and cringed as the score went to 9-0, in the D'backs favor. Maybe not the best end to a day, but certainly, it was a pretty good day.

Sherise LeeComment