
So I have a fat bruise on my leg because I decided to do something today that combined two things I happen to be excellent at: public speaking and coordination of limbs on a moving vehicle. I am, of course, being sarcastic. When it came time to volunteer to be a tour guide for our school's Ultra City Bus Tour, yours truly agreed to it, partially out of guilt for being the lone native San Franciscan amongst my coworkers.

I told the bus load of students that I only moonlight as a tour guide - I hope they kept that in mind as I clumsily moved about the cabin of the bus (resembling something like a monkey in a zoo). I didn't have a microphone, and so had to shout over the noisy whir of the engine. The bruise occurred on a pass between the front and back of the bus. I tried not to let on how hard I had hit myself while still continuing my tour guide spiel. It wasn't until later when I got home that I discovered that I had returned with battle wounds.

It really wasn't as bad as I'm making it sound. I just love the attention that self-pity garners.

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