
Today I came back super excited about accomplishing a goal of mine at work. There is something utterly satisfying about completing something you set out to do. This is another thing I tell my students - the importance of finishing something. The something that I set out to do this time was to organize and hold a live online chat for students at the school (oh the wonders of modern technology!). I would describe our live online chat to be something like a radio show - with myself and another colleague live "on the air."

I was really nervous before we went live. I am prone to ridiculous babble when nervous. There is also this weird self-monitoring that goes on inside my head - What in the world are you saying? Do you have any idea how you are going to end this sentence besides "um, yeah?" For all my nervousness, the chat went really well except for one point when I almost lost it after my co-worker descended into a nervous laughter (that proved contagious). I managed to pull it together, though. Whew!

It was also pointed out that my "um" usage was minimal, if any. That's what we call um...an accomplishment :)

(I took a break longer from blogging than I intended to. A day turned into two, and you know how that goes...)

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