
What to do when your student adds you on Facebook? I've been lucky in that only 2 students have ever tried to add me. The first time it happened I decided that I would add the student, but block him from seeing photos and wall posts. I think that's a good compromise. I can't believe that my students are actually that interested to add me to their F/B account - either that or they just desperately want to up their "friend" count.

Sometimes I can't underestimate what students are thinking, though. Like my first student who added me - he ended up dropping out towards the end of the semester, but before doing so, proclaimed that I was one of the best teachers he's ever had and thanked me for believing in him as a student. I really didn't think he cared at all. I'm preaching to myself here, because just about this time of the semester, I need a little pick-me-up.

Sherise Lee1 Comment