
I'm back. Thank you, chipmunkgeek, for the inquiry - I left the blogsphere but temporarily...

Today I ran the US Half Marathon. This was my first race in SF since high school, and the first half that I've trained for by myself. I feel invigorated to have finished the race, and in a time slightly under what I expected. Next time I want to train for a sub-2(hrs)! The US Half is way less sexy than the Nike Women's marathon a couple of weeks ago. No firemen passing out Tiffany's necklaces at the finish line. But I love that it goes under the radar. There's hardly any fanfare, or fans for that matter. It's pretty a pretty hard core participant base (I was getting passed up a lot). I certainly couldn't keep up with the alvonator pace, but managed my own groove, even with the hills.

I felt really good the whole race. I reminded myself to conserve energy, and to run my own race (no matter how tempted I was to go faster). I was further helped by the absolutely stunning scenery. My Sunday you could say was spent in an entirely different worshipful way.

Sherise Lee1 Comment