
Part of me feels right at home here in HK. On the plane ride over I got teary eyed watching a documentary on I.M. Pei (of all people). The part that got me was one of his associates who commented that seeing Pei in China gave him a glimpee of the very "Chinese side" of his boss (Pei immigrated to the U.S in 1930). I think part of that Chineseness for me lies dormant in the States only to emerge in curious ways overseas. The smells here bring a certain nostalgia, particularly of my first trip here when I was in college. It's comforting when I can turn street corners and still remember where to go. Certainly this is significant in a place like HK that is always in constant flux. Of course, being here on vacation only allows for the warm and fuzzy type of memories to surface, but for me being back also serves as a sort of marker for where I've been. For most, the new year signals new beginnings, but for me this year it also means giving thanks for what has already come to pass.

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