
Daylight savings is great at this time of year to "gain" an extra hour. I've decided to spend part of the extra time of my day to blog. It's been a bit hard to describe how I am doing as of late (at least, when asked, I've found it hard to figure out what to say other than I'm ecstatic that the Giants won the World Series). The problem with answering how I'm doing is I often have multiple strands of thoughts running through my head. I'm never sure which thought to expand on, or which part of my life I should detail. And then there are the things that I ought to be thinking about or taking action on that I just haven't done anything about. So I occupy myself with the less important things to avoid the things I know I must do but don't want to. Pity the person who asks how I'm doing. Little do they know the complexity of that answer from me!

After all that, I still haven't said how I'm doing. Stay tuned for more from me this week.

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