Giving the Mundane Its Beautiful Due
You don’t usually expect anything terribly profound on sports radio, and yet the other day I heard the most sublime description of watching the shadows of baseball players stretch over the field as dusk approached. The moment was described as “giving the mundane its beautiful due.” Baseball game aside, the beauty of that moment in its inherent wonder was enthralling to its beholder.
This made me think - how much more, then, has our Savior accomplished for our delight in the ordinary? Indeed, He came not just to give us life, but life in the full (John 10:10). Thus, He didn’t die just so that I could experience life on the margins. Yet the great disrupter in Satan wants to rob us of that life, and when I find myself inexplicably sad, my capacity to behold the lovely is lost. Lord, help me to see that you have came so that even the mundane has its beautiful due.