Defeating Pessimism

It’s easy to be pessimistic when things are less than what they should be. And things are often not what they’re supposed to be - from the state of the world to the state of my favorite baseball team. It’s one thing to choose to be optimistic, and quite another to maintain your positivity with the cynics around you pronouncing doom and gloom. You have nothing to prove otherwise, so why not join the chorus of naysayers?

I have to constantly remind myself that we are headed for something greater, despite what I see around me. Human institutions fail us, but their failure should compel us to delve deeper in their trenches, proclaiming the full coming of God’s kingdom where everything will be made right. As for the church - it is no human institution - it is the bride of Christ, and as such it is the one institution that ultimately will be ushered into eternity. Why, then, all this cynicism around the church? Let us live as people with hope, and build her up until Christ’s return when she will be presented blameless before the throne.  “ him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen”  (Ephesians 3:21).

Sherise Lee