A sense of loneliness can consume us when we feel no one understands us. To our discredit, we often shun any sympathizers, believing instead that it is solely our burden to bear. It's much easier to wallow in misery than to hope. Hebrews 4:15 says that Jesus is our great high priest, who is not unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. The double negative here is appropriate, confronting the lie that wants to convince me Christ is not the superior Savior He is. Indeed, He knows exactly the temptations we face, and yet was without sin. The sympathy of a Savior is glad tidings of great comfort and joy!
There is a tendency of mine to equate faith to a savings account, expecting my initial deposit to yield its return while doing nothing or very little about it. But with faith there is always something to be obtained for it to be the conviction of things not seen. Faith demands an active striving that I admittedly grow weary in. Didn't I muster enough faith in the past to be exempt from this present difficulty? There is a rest that remains to be realized, and as long as there is a "today," let us exhort one another to hold fast our confidence to the end.
In matters of faith, drifting can happen with great subtlety until the appeal of our Savior gradually loses its luster. We become dull to the reality that we are a saved people - people of hope already delivered from that which condemns us. So let us pay more attention lest we drift away the message of salvation that we so joyfully proclaim this season.