Posts tagged Bible
Finding Truth

To say that you have an exclusive claim on truth is a practical crime these days, quite literally. And yet unless you settle on something absolute, there is no rest. Even if you declare that there are no absolutes you are yourself commending an absolute.  In a world of angst, I find Scripture to be an anchor. As things appear worse in the world, Scripture reminds me there is nothing new that hasn't been seen before (Eccesiates 1:9-10). When Jesus prayed for us to be sanctified in the truth He declared God's word to be truth (John 17:17). It's piercing (Hebrews 4:12) and when preached (Acts 2:37) it cuts the heart. But yet God's word is simultaneously sweet and pleasurable (Psalm 119:103). It's altogether precious (Psalm 139:17). And I believe what it says. 

Sola Scriptura.