Posts tagged Gender
Emma Watson and the New Feminism

For her recent speech in front of the UN as a proponent of gender equality and the HeForShe movement, Emma Watson (most notably of Harry Potter movie fame) has been lauded as the face of the "new feminism." The message is solidarity between genders to stand up for inequalities against women. As appealing as the message is, the problem is not finally equality. The Fall has irreversibly distorted gender relations such that it is only in Christ that we understand that there is no male and female - both are equal co-heirs to salvation. Until sin is finally done away with, inequality will always exist. And certainly we as a church take a stand against any condition opposing the kingdom of God. The problem is that the final conclusion at the end of the feminist argument leads ultimately to the celebration of self. Significance is found in the imago dei, not our gender. So it is not #YesAllWomen or #HeforShe, but Romans 11:36 - "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen."

Watson says in her speech that the end goal is freedom. The goal for believers is rather greater dependence and worship of our Maker. And it is in this dependence we find our freedom.