Posts tagged Relaxation
How to Relax

I wish I could seal vacation in a bottle and take it home with me. The most depressing part of my vacation is that once it begins, I start counting how many days I have left before I have to resume reality. It's no way to relax, I know. But it's my desperate attempt to savor it, and soak up all the goodness it has to offer. That being said, I'm pretty bad at relaxing if I'm already envisioning my return. I realize that if I live believing that I'm never going to have something again, it's a pretty poor existence, much less means to relax. Perhaps the greater issue here is that vacation reveals a more cynical me that can't muster the faith to lift the cloud of responsibility that seemingly hangs over my head each day. Instead of living in the frailty of my own strength I ought to take heart in Him whose burden is light. This, I'm convinced, is a far better way to relax.