Posts tagged Self-Loathing
Moment of Truth

I often go about life waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. I proceed on a downward spiral of thoughts, believing I'm doomed to a less than desirable fate. I dread the future, anticipating the supposed misery to come. Oddly enough, I can be perfectly optimistic for your life, but completely pessimistic about mine. It makes little sense, I know. Thankfully, there are gracious reminders that the God of this universe is somehow mindful of me (Psalm 8:4). I had one of those moments the other week. That God would reveal Himself so specifically in the dailyness of my routine shook me from my self-loathing, and reminded me that in faith, I can still pray for the desires of my heart - that is, when we pray for a fish, he does not give us a serpent (Matthew 7:10). After all, He is the Father of all good gifts! No bait and switch here.