Posts tagged Social Media
Things to Consider Before You Post

Many people take to social media to air their beliefs, and I'm mostly inattentive, especially since my posts largely involve the superiority of my favorite baseball team or what I last ate. My blog, however, is where you find more depth (that is, when I get it together to write). There are times, however, when certain posts stand out in the endless scroll through my feed. And mostly these are from Christians that are declarative in a misinformed way, prompting me to write some considerations to make before hitting "post."

  1. Check for Scriptural foundation. This is #1. "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." (Jn 17:17) This is what Christ prayed for us as believers, and something we should remember. Truth comes from God's Word. We shouldn't be declarative without a solid biblical basis.
  2. Remember your audience. I'm not sold that your social media feed is the best place to garner attention for your beliefs. Your audience is wide, and not always understanding (or willing to read through).
  3. Beware of the repost. Sometimes we blindly repost something from someone else without fully reading it or thinking about what we are posting.