Posts tagged Unity
Unity Greater Than the #Hashtag

When we come together with like others there is a kind of unity. Unity seems to find strength when values and beliefs of that like-minded group are challenged. We see this with each trending hashtag on social media that ignites a bandwagon of response. I would think that Christian unity is more than just precipitated by some cause or event. In Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17:20-26, He prays that we (believers) may be one just as he and the Father are one. Jesus repeats this petition for oneness three times in His prayer. Part of this repetition perhaps speaks to how difficult this is, and that Christian unity is more than the occasional unity we see displayed in our world. In fact, its example is found in the very Godhead. And this unity holds an expressed purpose so others would know Jesus.

Unity is a hard ask when there are so many reasons why it's difficult for me to be one with another Christian, especially when my idea of one is often just me. And yet there is the love of the Father and the Son extending to an unlovely me. 

Father, help me to love as you love, and that we as a church may be one as you and Jesus to declare your saving grace to the world.

Sherise LeeUnity