Posts tagged decision making
When to Take a Chance

I can be paralyzed by decision making just as much as the next person. I blame my tendency to want to make the perfect decision and avoid failure. I recently heard that if you are 100% sure about a decision it's likely you're making that decision too late. This makes me think - how certain should you be before deciding?  I'm not talking about daily decisions that you really shouldn't be stymied by. Like what to eat for lunch. It's a low stakes decision. So you choose wrongly. The next day you have the opportunity to make a different (perhaps better?) choice (as I write this, the fact that you can even choose what to eat for lunch is a privilege). 

The decisions that I'm referring to will cost you more than your lunch. I'm not sure how many of these you have to make daily, weekly, or monthly. I would say that if you're not having to make these decisions regularly you're really not getting yourself out there enough. That said, if you do have one of these decisions to make, how sure do you have to be? 

I'm learning to take a chance with 51% certainty. What I mean is, when there is a whole lot I'm not sure of, but enough to compel me in a certain direction, even if only marginally. It is here where faith emerges - faith that God is sovereign, and that you are making a choice with the faculties you've been given. "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act" (Prov 37:5). This is a reminder to me after a trepidatious decision that yes, He can be trusted (trepidation for me being 51% certainty, for others, maybe less, maybe more).