Posts tagged flaws

I used to think (and on my worst days still do) that there was something horribly wrong with me that everyone else didn't seem to have. The world tells you that everyone is flawed, so you should get over feeling poorly about yourself - you can overcome your flaws and erase your shortcomings. After all, who doesn't like a good underdog story? While this may seem worth celebrating, it's not exactly correct. Scripture says there is something wretched within each of us, and this is a bad thing. We are not only afflicted with this present, deep flaw we call sin, but also unable to do anything on our own to overcome it. It is only when we see the futility of us being able to do anything about our imperfection that we see the good of a Savior who gave Himself up so that we may revel in the day when we will be finally rid of all that is wrong within us. So, we embrace our flaws, but deny that there is anything by human effort that we can do to make up for it. This makes Easter such a beautiful day - Christ is risen, giving us victory indeed!

Sherise LeeEaster, flaws, sin