Posts tagged self-reflection
Digging Deeper

It’s hard to know when you aren’t well. I think many of us are pretty good at being highly functional, and when cracks surface, we’d rather just patch them over and move on. But sometimes, excavating is needed, as that patch wears away only to reveal greater problems underneath. I’m grateful that the role of the Holy Spirit is not merely to patch our souls. He wants that we are whole, and yet what we fear is that somehow we will be left vulnerable to our own shame. The fact is, until I see what’s wrong with me, the less I know of the graciousness of God. Because what’s wrong will not condemn me (no matter how much the enemy wants for me to believe otherwise). Instead, the Spirit of God says, “Come.” And I must trust that this is the best resolution of all.



A Penny for My Thoughts

It's easy for me to retreat to my inner world of thoughts and much more difficult to be outwardly expressive. But even the processing that takes place so intricately in my head needs an outlet. I don't think I can fully assess my head and heart until I begin to see it reflected back at me - even it its most raw state. Though it is difficult to articulate matters of the heart, having my emotions surface unpredictably is even more frightening. So bear with me, dear reader, as I try to enliven this often spartan blog.