Marathon Log.06.  Miles logged: 8

This was my longest run ever.  Unfortunately I was rather annoyed with all the rain that fell, soaking me from head to toe.  I felt dumb for not bringing a baseball hat to keep the rain away, and I felt foolish knowing my cold could perhaps worsen from running in the rain.

So while I'm on the subject of things that annoy me, let me bring up the embittered debate over same sex marriages.  In recent months those who are believers have been confronted with the need to respond in Truth to Mayor Gavin Newsom's landmark decision to legalize homosexual relationships.  I myself participated in the "One Man, One Woman" rally last spring. 

I find myself annoyed because of the negative light believers are portrayed concerning this situation.  We are narrowminded, unable to tolerate those with an alternative lifestyle.   

The reality is, we as believers know that the Bible is opposed to homosexuality, and we are passionate opponents against it, but we really don't have a formulated defense as to why.  I know I didn't even have one.  And living in the liberal city of San Francisco I knew that I ought to.

So here is what I've concluded.  In our fallen world, mankind has "exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator" (Rom.1:25).  As believers, we believe in the centrality of God and the salvation found in Christ Jesus.  We believe that God desires good things for his children, and because we believe this, we trust that He knows what is good for us.  And the Bible is clear to state that what is good is marriage between one man and one woman. 

I pray that as I participate in the AIDS marathon and touch on a lifestyle that is often associated with the disease, the Spirit would remove the veil that blinds these hearts in believing the true and living God. 

Support my marathon endeavor by clicking here


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