Marathon Log.07.  Miles logged: 10

Ten miles ain't a walk in the park.  I probably should have had greater reverence for a run of that distance, because for the first time during this whole thing I'm feeling a bit stiff.  My ambitious self tried running again today, but I quickly had to stop because of a sharp pain that started in my calf (a pain I only feel when I run).  I decided it was better not to fight it.

My question this week is what battles do I choose to fight?  Things that have crossed my path recently--

Don't let anyone pass you.

I have this wildly competitive streak that manages to rear its ugly head once in awhile.  They tend not to be my finer moments.  I had a minor one last Monday as I was running.  I was for sure not going to let this guy pass me (see, he had already passed me up, and then I had passed him up).  I could feel his footsteps gaining so I kicked in high gear, and I held him off.  That was one battle I was determined to win.

I just don't care.

My Chinese laoshi (teacher) called me last week.  I didn't do the midterm because I was sick the week prior.  She called asking if I could do my midterm exam over the phone (it's a conversational class) since she needed to input a grade for me at midterm.  I told her no, that I wasn't up to doing it and that she could give me whatever because I'm not taking the class for a grade (just where exactly would I take these city college grades to?).  She then lectured about giving me a sympathy "B" since she knows I'm a good student.  At this point I'm annoyed because she happens to be one of my worse teachers ever.  But I muttered a thanks and hung up the phone.  That was one battle I was not going to fight.

Walks on the beach.

For the past two Sundays I've taken walks on the beach (romantic, huh?).  And both those walks on the beach produced deep conversation with the person I was walking with.  In both these conversations I had a deep sense that God wanted me to impart truth on their hearts.  I fought to do so, even though I felt incapable.  At work, I'm the same.  A coworker asked if I liked my job the other day.  I'm guessing she's picked up on the fact that I'm always furiously typing an email, on the phone, or with a student whenever she walks in.  I was taken aback by her question, but I affirmed her that yes, I do enjoy what I do.  I want to help people, and gosh darn it, I'm going to do my job and do it well. 

I can't explain how I pick my battles.  I know I often pick the wrong ones, producing results I don't intend.  I know what Scripture says--that I am to deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Him.  Yet that's a battle I don't feel like waging everyday. 

If there's one battle I should consistently fight, it's that of honoring my Father.  I seem to talk a lot about battles. It's unavoidable as a follower of Christ, yet also easily avoidable, if you know what I mean.  We don't want to be caught MIA.

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