Favorite Things From My Day
1. Running for the MUNI train and not feeling any pain (hallelujah!)
2. A seat on the train (and thus avoiding those germ-infested poles)
3. The security guard who waved me past without my ID badge.
4. A healthy stash of chocolate on (and in) my desk
5. Pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and my journal
6. A once failing student who made it (I was thrilled--ask me about the whole story sometime)
7. A second once failing student who made it (a semester long investment for me--also one of my personal students)
8. KOIT Listen While You Work--Christmas music 'round the clock!
9. Not having an eye exam for 3 years but the doctor complimenting me that my contacts didn't seem to have the wear and tear she expected
10. Exactly enough change for the train ride home.